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How to Make Your Marriage Survive During the Pandemic?

Corona Marriage Tips, Marriage Tips
By Kelly B.
3 years ago

Marriage Survival Tips for Coronavirus

Up until about a year ago, most married couples had their routine down, and aside from the occasional relationship problems, there were no major marriage tsunamis. That is until a global pandemic struck the world and broke nearly everyone's routine; people lost their jobs, had to maintain social distance, stay indoors for days, and spend more time than ever with the family. The immense pressures that COVID-19 brought with it will likely echo for many months to come, and if you want to keep your marriage strong even through a global pandemic, here is what you need to do:

Give your partner room to express themselves

Tensions run very high these days, and you and your partner are likely very stressed on a daily basis. To let the stem out, let your partner express themselves and tell you how they feel, no matter what the subject is. You and your spouse should both feel like you can talk about what is bothering you, so even though it is difficult, let them vent sometimes, and let yourself do the same. Letting out negative emotions will help lower stress levels and iron out things that are causing you relationship problems.

Corona Marriage Tips
Turn off your inner critic

When you spend a lot of time with your spouse, you notice things that you might not have noticed before or get picky about things that suddenly bother you. You might also think that your partner is not doing enough around the house, which will cause you to criticize them more than you should. Before you start telling your partner what they are doing wrong, keep in mind that there is enough external pressure during this time, and your spouse should not feel even more pressured by you. So, however difficult it may be, try to turn off your inner critic and instead give your partner compliments from time to time. Also, if you feel that your spouse is overly critical toward you, speak to them about it and ask to stop the stressful behavior.

Consume news in moderation

It is important to know what is going on around you and what is new with the Coronavirus, but reading and listening to the news around the clock will do you no good. It will only make you feel anxious and take it out on your spouse and family. To be updated on what is going on in the world and in your area, limit your news time to no more than 20 minutes a day, or watch the evening news that sums up the day perfectly.

Marriage Tips

Spend time apart

Yes, you and your spouse live in the same house, but that does not mean that you have to spend every second together. Take some time apart in separate rooms, and give each other time to miss one another. Both of you need some quiet time, so if you have kids, choose times when you will be with them so that your partner can have some alone time, and vice versa. It is imperative to have quiet moments to clear the mind and relax without having to feel like your duties are following you.

Take a time out when fighting

No matter how harmonious your relationship is, you can expect the occasional fight, especially during COVID-19. It is natural for you and your spouse to fight, but when arguments become too heated, you should call for a TIME OUT. Take at least half an hour to cool down, and when you and your partner are less angry, continue the discussion in a healthy and peaceful way.


Nurture your intimacy

Maintaining a high level of desire is tricky when you are with a person around the clock, but you should look at it as a sexy challenge rather than a hindrance. While it can be difficult to be intimate with everything going around, it is important to make sure you and your partner remain physically connected. That does not mean that you have to have sex every day, but the least you should do is show each other affection regularly; give your partner surprise hugs, kiss them passionately, and initiate sex if the mood strikes you. Intimacy is a great way to keep your relationship strong and naturally reduce stress levels that run high these days.

2020 has brought with it challenges that no one had expected; it is all the more difficult to keep a marriage strong during a global pandemic, but that does not mean it is impossible. You and your spouse can come out of COVID-19 stronger than ever if you follow the tips here, and appreciate your bond even more after the dust settles.

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